February 21, 2022 – Playing Music in the Minor League

If you look at the top of our page, you see the option to visit ‘MiML Podcast’…well, that’s our new podcast, Music in the Minor League. Which you can check out here: https://anchor.fm/musicintheminorleague

As a collection of musicians who have spent their entire lives working down in the “minor league” of music, we figured it would be fun to talk to our peers and give them some of the attention they deserve…because no one else is really giving it to them.

We have 6 episodes out so far, more in the can and even more scheduled to be recorded. We’ll keep pushing them out every one to two weeks until we can’t do them anymore. Our goal is to talk to everyone we can in our orbit and beyond.

Do you play music in the minor league? Hit us up! We’ll schedule a discussion! We want to give a voice to those making original music and playing it anywhere they’ll have you.

Check it out and let us know what you think!

This Saturday, we’ll be doing a duo show over at MOD Coffeehouse in Galveston, TX. If you’re in the area, come say hi!

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